Let's get ready for Conference!
The 2018 NLA Annual Conference is in the works, and now is the time to start planning to attend.
The conference will run Friday, October 12 through Sunday, October 14th. It will take place at the Westin Las Vegas Hotel & Spa, 160 E. Flamingo Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89109. Information will be up on the NLA website soon.
The theme this year is “Libraries are for Everyone,’ and this theme of inclusion should lead to some great programs, ideas, and conversations. NLA conferences are not just for librarians—they have something for everyone who has an interest in Nevada libraries. Don’t miss this opportunity to join NLA for the best library get-together in the state!

Program Proposals for Conference
Do you have knowledge and info that you’d like to share? Looking to get experience presenting or to round out your résumé? The Conference Committee is looking for your ideas, and is accepting program proposals until August 15th.
Some topics they are hoping to include (to tie in to the theme) are:
1. Diversity and inclusion strategic plans
2. Social justice, cultural competence, equity
3. Inclusive programming and services
4. Serving underserved communities
5. Social and government services
6. Age specific programming
7. STEAM/STEM and new tech
8. Civic innovation
9. Maker movement
10. Fake news and information literacy
11. Partners/Partnerships
For more information, please contact the Programming Co-Chairs:
Marina Georgieva - Email:
Emilee Wirshing - Email:

National Libraries Legislative Day
National Libraries Legislative Day, sponsored by the American Library Association, was held this year in Washington, D.C. on May 7 and 8, 2018. Joan Dalusung and Sena Loyd, Co-Chairs of the Government Relations Committee of the Nevada Library Association, travelled to represent Nevada’s Libraries on the national level. We were pleased to welcome Jeffrey Kintop, Administrator of the Nevada State Library and Archives, Danielle Milam, Development Director for the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District (LVCCLD), Felipe Ortiz, Trustee, LVCCLD, Ydoleena Yturralde, Trustee, LVCCLD, and Katherine DeRosear, Vice President, Partner Engagement at Headed2, to our delegation.

This year’s talking points focused on three items: to reauthorize and fund LSTA at $186.6 million for FY 2018 and 2019, to maintain level funding for the Innovative Approaches to Literacy (IAL) program at $27 million for FY 2018 and FY2019, and to oppose the budget proposals to eliminate the Institute of Museum and Library Services, LSTA, IAL and other vital library programs. We were thrilled to have great conversations with staffers from all six of our legislators. We were especially honored to meet with Congresswoman Dina Titus, Congressman Mark Amodei, and Senator Catherine Cortez-Masto in person. All our federal legislators were receptive to our asks, and many had already indicated their support by signing on to the Dear Appropriator letters that had circulated in the House and Senate prior to our visit.

Each congressperson was left with a comprehensive packet of information that included a highlight of 2016 and 2017 LSTA projects, letters of support from the Director of the State Department of Administration, clips from the Nevada Appeal and CarsonNow featuring events during National Library Week, letters of support from the NLA, the Nevada Library Cooperative, and many library directors throughout the state. We would like to thank the staff of the NSLA for providing this outstanding administrative support and making all the appointments. We truly couldn’t have done this without their tireless coordination.
Senator Cortez Masto had already been showing support for net neutrality prior to our visit. She asked us many questions about how net neutrality affects library services, and thanks to quick work from Norma Fowler at the Nevada State Library and Archives, we were able to provide her with statewide statistics about computer use in libraries. We were thrilled when the Senator highlighted libraries in her testimony to Congress on Wednesday, May 9, 2018.

Sena and I would like to thank the NLA for supporting our efforts to attend National Libraries Legislative Day and advocate for Nevada’s Libraries. We joined with library staff and supporters across the nation last year to stop the elimination of IMLS funding, and we certainly believe our representatives played a vital role in that united front again this year.
submitted by Joan Dalusung, Co-Chair, Government Relations Committee
Online Learning
Nevada State Library and Archives (NSLA) provides access to continuing education, including webinars, on a variety of library related topics. Check for upcoming classes on the CE calendar at:

Of Interest to Rural Libraries…
The North Dakota State Library and Colorado-based Prenda received an IMLS grant to help small and rural public libraries run weekly code clubs.
We want youth to be able to develop 21st century skills and key digital literacies in parts of the country where local computer science expertise and resources are lacking. If you were curious about running an afterschool code club at your library, but previously felt daunted or intimidated, rest assured we've removed the roadblocks for you.
Learn more and apply to be one of the 50 small/rural public libraries to take part in this fully-funded program here:
Applications are due July 16th, so don't delay!
Eric Stroshane, Library Development Manager, North Dakota State Library

NLA Award Nominations
Do you know library folk who are making a difference, who raise the bar on professionalism, who go the extra mile to support libraries? Let them know their effort is recognized by nominating them for one of the NLA awards. Descriptions of the award categories and nomination forms are available on the NLA website.

Where are your patrons Headed2?
Thanks to a grant, the State Library has teamed up with Workforce Connections to bring the Nevada Career Explorer from Headed2! to libraries in Nevada. The Career Explorer is a place for patrons "to find not just a job, but a career they’ll love. Patrons can explore over 900 careers, countless educational and certification opportunities, or learn more about themselves by taking a self-assessment." Find more information on the NSLA website.

MPLA Leadership Institute
Congratulations to our Nevada representatives: Claudia Maureen Melton, Amanda Mongolo, Maria Duque-Rueda, and Tam Anderson, who were selected to the 2018 Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) Leadership Institute!
The MPLA Leadership Institute was held April 29 – May 4, at the YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO. Fellows were selected based on commitment to libraries in the region, geographic diversity, and leadership potential and experience.
Submitted by Maria Duque-Rueda

Publication Information
ISSN 1094-6918
Editor: Tam Anderson
Ph. 702-507-3720
Mar. issue deadline Feb .14
Jun. issue deadline May 14
Sept. issue deadline Aug. 14
Dec. issue deadline Nov. 14
Membership Information
Nevada Library Association
900 North Roop Street
Carson City, NV 89701