The Mountain Plains Library Association includes Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming and has been in existence since 1948. The Nevada Library Association first affiliated with MPLA in late 1958. With the exception of a period in 1973, when continued affiliation with MPLA was disputed, membership in that regional association has continued. Joint NLA/MPLA conferences were held in Nevada in 1978 (Stateline), 1985 (Las Vegas), 1994 (Incline Village), and 2003 (Incline Village). Various modifications in the terms and conditions of office of the NLA/MPLA delegate have been made as well as other changes to harmonize the NLA and MPLA bylaws. The latest changes were made in the NLA bylaws in 1995 dealing with term of office and in the NLA Handbook in 1996 covering NLA policies on MPLA delegate expenses.
NLA Bylaws
ARTICLE V. ORGANIZATION. Section 1. Affiliation with National and Regional Organizations. Upon a majority vote of their members and with the approval of the board of trustees, NLA and its constituent groups and committees may affiliate or disaffiliate with national and regional organizations. Delegates to these organizations may be elected by the membership of the appropriate group or appointed by the president with the approval of the board of trustees.
MPLA Bylaws (revised 09/07): Article III. Membership.
3.1 Any person, institution, or organization interested in supporting the Association in its mission shall be eligible for membership.
3.2 There shall be the following classes of membership:
3.2.1 Personal members include librarians, other library employees and others employed in library service or related activities.
3.2.2 Institutional members shall include libraries, firms or organizations who have an interest in or relationship to library work that have applied for membership and have paid annual dues. Institutional members shall not be entitled to the privileges of individual members.3.2.3 State Library Association members. When a state library association elects to apply for membership in the Association, it shall have voted to become a member in such a manner as shall be prescribed by its constitution and/or bylaws and shall have certified to this action in its initial application for membership. A state association’s application for membership must be approved by a three-fourths vote of the MPLA Executive Board. Upon acceptance, the state association shall thereby be entitled to voting representation on the Executive Board.
Article VI. Executive Board.
6.1 The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the Association, one representative from each member state library association, and the chair of each standing committee. All members of the Executive Board shall be individual members in good standing of the Association. Should Executive Board members fail to pay dues following written reminder by the Executive Secretary, they shall by removed from the Executive Board and a successor for the office shall be appointed by the President with the exception of state representatives who shall be replaced in office by the appropriate state association as provided in their procedures or bylaws.
6.4 Each member state library association in the Association shall choose a representative who shall be selected in such manner as shall be prescribed by its constitution and/or bylaws.
6.4.1 Representatives shall serve for three years or until their successors are chosen, and their term of office shall begin at the first MPLA Executive Board Meeting following election by their state association.
6.4.2 If a member state library association has not chosen a representative within four months following the beginning of the representative's term of office, or in case a representative has resigned and no provision for replacement been made in that association's constitution and/or bylaws, the President in consultation with the President of the state association, shall appoint a member from that state to serve as representative.
MPLA Manual of Procedures
State representatives serve three broad purposes: membership promotion; transmittal of publicity (both MPLA to state and vice versa); two-way liaison between the MPLA Executive Board and the state association executive board. Both MPLA and the state associations can be strengthened by mutual cooperation; the state association representative is the primary vehicle of that cooperation. Representatives are not only the state associations' representatives to MPLA and its objectives is as important, if not more important, than loyalty to the state association. If for reasons of personal conviction, wholehearted support of MPLA cannot be met, it is suggested that the appointment be declined and that the state association appoint another individual.