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Leadership and Mentoring Program

PURPOSE:  The purpose of the NLA Mentoring Program is to provide training and mentoring to NLA members by offering opportunities for librarians and other library personnel to work together, network, and support NLA objectives while pursuing their professional goals.

Why Mentor or be Mentored?

  1. To offer experienced librarians and library personnel the opportunity to assist mentees in their library careers
  2. To increase participation in NLA
  3. To develop leaders
  4. To assist in career advancement
  5. To promote networking
  6. To promote one-on-one relationships tailored to the skills and areas of development unique to mentors and mentees
  7. To bring Nevada’s library community closer

The NLA Mentoring Program will be conducted from September 1st to May 2024. Membership in NLA is required and attendance at the NLA Annual Conference is encouraged. Apply to be a mentor or mentee from through August 18, 2023.

Mentor and mentee pairs will be matched according to their respective areas of expertise and interest. General guidelines for the program will be sent to mentor/mentee pairs once they are matched and will allow  them to discuss what, when, and how they will communicate.

Apply to be a Mentor for 2023-2024

Apply to be a Mentee for 2023-2024


What is a mentor?

A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor or guide. In the context of the mentoring program, a mentor is an experienced professional offering guidance and support to developing professionals and paraprofessionals.

Mentors from all types of libraries and positions are encouraged to apply for the NLA Mentoring Program. A mentor must have been employed in a professional position for at least three years. Mentors should be dedicated to assisting and developing librarians who are new to their profession or those looking to pursue librarianship.

Mentors will be expected to make a one-year commitment to the program, during which time they will communicate a minimum of four to six times with their respective mentees. Mentors shall initiate contact with their mentees within two weeks of the start of the program. At the program’s conclusion, mentors will be asked to provide feedback to the Committee regarding the program’s strengths and weaknesses. Upon completion, mentors will receive a letter of recognition for their services. Administrative questions should be addressed to the Committee via its current president.


What is a mentee?

Mentees are new librarians, library students, or those interested in pursuing a career in librarianship. Mentees work with their mentors on professional development.

Mentees from all types of libraries and positions are encouraged to apply for the NLA Mentoring Program. Mentees are NLA members who are new to librarianship or who are interested in pursuing a career in librarianship.

Mentees will be expected to make a one-year commitment to the program, during which time they will communicate a minimum of four to six times with their respective mentors. Mentors will be expected to initiate contact with their mentees via email within two weeks of the start of the program. Upon receipt, mentees shall respond with their own introductory email. At the program’s conclusion, mentees will be asked to provide feedback to the Committee regarding the program’s strengths and weaknesses. Upon completion, mentees will receive a letter of recognition for their participation in the program. Administrative questions should be addressed to the Committee via its current president.

Nevada Library Association

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