Nevada Library Association Handbook
Board of Trustees
Executive Officers
The history of the Nevada Library Association President-Elect is also naturally the history of the association's President. For the past twenty years, the President-Elect has been a one-year term of training, preparation and work. Prior to 1971, president-elect was a two-year term, but the term of office was changed to allow more individuals the opportunity to serve and to reduce the impact on the individual volunteering to be president-elect. The president-elect has attended the annual California Library Association Conference for many years in order to strengthen ties between the two states and to give the president-elect an opportunity to see another library association conference besides NLA's.
- The president-elect is a voting member of the board of trustees and
attends all meetings of the board. The president-elect becomes familiar
with the operations of the association and prepares a program for the
following year.
- The president-elect serves on the library planning committee to
establish goals and priorities for the year and attends all meetings.
- The president-elect is a member of the awards committee.
- The president-elect jointly appoints the government relations chairperson with the president.
- The president-elect, along with the president and the immediate
past-president, should prepare a project for the coming year which will,
when completed, represent an accomplishment for the association. A
presentation will be made at the annual meeting.
- The president-elect assumes the duties of president in any absence or disability of the president.
- The president-elect proposes a slate of appointments to the board of
trustees at the annual meeting for approval. These appointed officers
are installed on January 1st of the year the president-elect assumes the
office of president.
- After approval of the slate, the president-elect confers with the
incoming chairperson of the finance committee and the executive
secretary to assure the preparation of the budget for the coming year.
The president-elect includes the following in the office budget:
Postage, Telephone, Supplies
Much of the continuity and constancy of the Nevada Library Association is due to its principal leaders' willingness to serve three consecutive years (one year as president-elect, one year as president, and one year as past-president). The advisory roles and projects of the past-presidents over the years have contributed much to Nevada libraries and librarianship. For example, much of the history written at the beginning of this Handbook is the work of past-president (twice) Billie Mae Polson. A more recent example of service by past-presidents is the 1996 NLA Standing Committee on Long-Range Planning, with its chair and members all past presidents of the association (Karen Albrethsen, Gary Avent, Wendy Starkweather and Leona Wright). Special recognition of the association's past-presidents was an integral part of the 50th conference in Laughlin in 1996.
- The Immediate Past-President acts as an advisor to the President.
- The Immediate Past-President is a voting member of the Board of Trustees.
- The president, along with the president-elect and the past-president
should prepare a project for the coming year which will when completed,
represent an accomplishment for the association. A presentation will be
made at the annual meeting.
- The Past-President serves as a member of the Library Planning Committee.
- The Past-President serves as a member of the Awards Committee.
- The Past-President may plan a conference program or work jointly with another committee or group to do so.
Revised at the 10/8/10 Board Meeting