Nevada Library Association Handbook
Board of Trustees
REFORMA Delegate
REFORMA was established in 1971 as a national association to promote library and information services to the Spanish Speaking, and became an American Library Association Affiliate in 1975. During the summer of 1994, a demographic study showed rapid growth of the Latino population in southern Nevada, with estimates of 14-15% of the Clark County population speaking Spanish. This motivated several Las Vegas librarians to form a Nevada chapter of REFORMA. In August 1995, bylaws were written and officers selected. In January 1996, the Nevada Library Association Executive Board voted to affiliate itself with REFORMA.
- 1996-1997, Paola Ferate, West Charleston Library, Las Vegas
- 1998, Maria Champlin, Clark County Library
- 1999, Sally Kinsey, Washoe County Library
- 2001-2002, Nancy French, Las Vegas-Clark County Library District
- 2003, Angel Avila, Las Vegas-Clark County Library District
- 2004-2006, Dr. Gregory Robinson, Nevada State College
- 2008-2011, Mario Aguilar, Las Vegas-Clark County Library District
- Dissolved 2012
NLA Bylaws:
ARTICLE V. ORGANIZATION. Section 1. Affiliation with National and Regional Organizations. Upon a majority vote of their members and with the approval of the board of trustees, NLA and its constituent groups and committees may affiliate or disaffiliate with national and regional organizations. Delegates to these organizations may be elected by the membership of the appropriate group or appointed by the president with the approval of the board of trustees.
Article VIII. Section 1. The active membership of this organization may vote, by a majority vote to affiliate itself with other local organizations.
- The treasurer is responsible for the annual budget request for payment of REFORMA association dues.
- The REFORMA delegate pays his or her own dues to both NLA and REFORMA.
- The REFORMA delegate attends meetings of the REFORMA governing board,
including those at the REFORMA/ALA annual conventions, if possible
consulting with the NLA president, board of trustees, or other
appropriate officers before voting on controversial matters.
- As an advisory, nonvoting member of the NLA board of trustees the
REFORMA delegate attends both the midwinter board of trustees meeting
and the annual meeting of NLA to report on REFORMA.
- Travel to the midwinter board of trustees meeting should not be included
as this is covered in another budget. Travel and per diem to attend the
NLA annual meeting may not be requested.
- The delegate should include the following in his/her budget request as needed: