HISTORY NNAG became a Nevada Library Association interest group in early 1993, and was immediately active in bringing together Nevada librarians via electronic mail and computers. During 1993 and 1994, the NNAGnet newsletter was published, and then it became a column in NLA's High Roller in 1994. By 1994, NNAG had the most members of any NLA interest group.
MISSION STATEMENT The Nevada Network and Automation Group is dedicated to the continued growth and connectivity of automation within the information industry of Nevada. NNAG will be a conduit for the gathering and dissemination of information concerning the continued growth of this mission. The group is open to all concerned citizens and will use its affiliation with the Nevada Library Association to pursue its goals.
ARTICLE I. NAME. The name of this organization shall be Nevada Networking and Automation Group (NNAG).
ARTICLE II. PURPOSE. The purpose of this organization will be to foster cooperative automation efforts and planning, to build an infrastructure for networks among Nevada's libraries which are linked to the vast array of information resources and communities, to provide training opportunities, and to provide a forum for sharing information and solving problems with automation and networking that will focus on the unique constituencies of Nevada.
ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP. Any personal member of the Nevada Library Association interested in the purpose of the organization is eligible for membership upon applications and payment of dues as established by the NLA Bylaws.
ARTICLE IV. ORGANIZATION. Section 1. Any personal member of NNAG is eligible for office.
Section 2. The officers of this organization shall be a chairperson and a chairperson-elect, both elected by a majority of the NNAG members. The chairperson-elect shall succeed the chairperson and shall assist with functions designated by the chairperson. The responsibilities of the chairperson shall be:
a. Represent group concerns before the Nevada Library Association and its Executive Board.
b. Solicit and transmit information about group concerns to the editor of the Nevada Libraries.
c. Act as coordinator for all communications of the interest group.
d. Select and reserve appropriate meeting times and places at the NLA Annual Meeting.
e. Plan a program and/or appoint a programs chairperson for the Annual Meeting.
f. Initiate or respond to requests for additional training activities during the year.
g. Act as coordinator and/or designate a coordinator for business meetings of the interest group.
h. Schedule business meetings as needed.
i. Submit a written budget request and program justification to the finance committee by December 31st of each year preceding the year for which the budget is requested.
Section 3. The term of office for the chairperson will be for one calendar year.
ARTICLE VI. ELECTIONS AND NOMINATIONS. All members of the interest group shall be eligible for nomination to the office of chairperson. Nominations will be solicited and the election held at the business meeting of the interest group at the NLA Annual Meeting.
ARTICLE VII. MEETINGS. Section 1. There shall be one business meeting coinciding with the NLA Annual Meeting.
Section 2. The chairperson may call special meetings.
Section 3. Action and policy may be created by a majority of the members present at any duly called meeting.
ARTICLE VIII. COMMITTEES. The chairperson shall appoint committees as necessary to carry out the functions of the interest group.
ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENTS. These rules of procedure may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those members present at any meeting, providing such meeting is announced at least one month in advance, or by mail ballot.